Thursday, January 17, 2013

Handing help to volunteers

Today's experience organising a charity drive opens my eyes, yet again.

Our encounter with volunteers have always been interesting, rewarding, enriching and some times a little frustrating, but I guess that's all in the day's work.:)

Donors in Malaysia have big hearts, and I applaud them, to be able to share your wealth with others so they could have a better life is a fantastic and noble gesture.   Some donors are great, they organise charity drives themselves, have the initiative to go to the homes and make contact with the less fortunate to help ease their burdens. Some are a little shy, preferring to buy the items and pass it on to the 'braver' ones to make the trip, or some are just plain busy, but have the little time to pick up in-kind contributions and pass it to a messenger who can help deliver the goods for them.

Everyone deserves a big pat on their back for their thoughts, gestures and initiative.  I just want to impart some thoughts on this.

1. Perhaps there are different roles people tend to adopt in charity drives, some prefer to organise the logistics and make the visit themselves and some prefer to purchase the goods and pass it on to messengers for delivery.

2. Some people are shy or nervous even, visiting a home can be daunting, especially when the conditions are poor and dirty, and it hurts the heart for one to experience that environment.  I feel it often too when I make my visits to senior citizen's homes and animal shelters.  So many donors may choose to donate 'anonymously'.

3.  Some people prefer a low profile, none of that picture taking, mock cheque posing, they prefer to give the money to others to buy the goods and remain in the background, not to take any credit for the philanthrophic act.

4.  And there are those who have the intention of doing it, but can't seem to find the time, energy, drive, etc, to do it.  I say, just prioritise your plans, if you can't make space or find bandwith to contribute or make a trip to a children's home this month, try it next quarter or next year.  Don't feel guilty, do it when you are able to. Remember any gesture is very much appreciated at the other end, from a simple phone call to say hello, to singing karaoke with the abandoned parents at Tong Sim or hanging with these Burmese children (photo below) at the United Learning Centre.:)

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